[winGRASS] problem with converting DXF to DEM

Mike Thomas miketh at brisbane.paradigmgeo.com
Wed May 7 21:03:41 EDT 2003

Hi Knud.

Following the web reference you sent, I got an elevation raster map with
categories ranging from 1 to 23 (according to r.cats) from your DXF file by
the process outlined below.

A tif of that map (with "world file") is attached.  How to relate those
Grass categories to any actual heights which might be stored in the DXF I
don't know - I'm not even certain if the file contains heights.

Nor do I know how to produce a USGS DEM file as such.

Perhaps someone else might know, so I've CC'ed the wider Grass users list. I
can send Knud's original DXF if someone is interested.

I also tried v.surf.rst - the results were similar.  Be warned, it takes a
much longer time to run than the process below.


Mike Thomas.

=== Sample Output ===================

v.in.dxf dxf=/c/Height.dxf

CONVERSION OF /c/Height.dxf TO DIG FILE:  WARNING: 3-d data in dxf file
WARNING: 3-d data in dxf file
WARNING: 3-d data in dxf file
Following DXF layers found:
Layer 1 LAYER_002001
Layer 2 LAYER_002102


v.in.dxf3d dxf=/c/Height.dxf line=LAYER_002001


v.support Height.LAYER_002001


Selected information from vector header
 Organization:  GRASS Development Team
 Map Name:      /c/Height.dxf
 Source Date:
 Orig. Scale:   2400
 Snapping threshold    0.00
Snapp No snapping will be done
    Reading Vector file 100%
    Building areas 100%
    Building islands (no islands present)
    Attaching labels
 Number of lines:   82
 Number of nodes:   93
 Number of areas:   0
 Number of isles:   0
 Number of atts :   82
 Number of unattached atts :   0
 Snapped lines  :   0


v.support Height.LAYER_002102


Selected information from vector header
 Organization:  GRASS Development Team
 Map Name:      /c/Height.dxf
 Source Date:
 Orig. Scale:   2400
 Snapping threshold    0.00
Snapp No snapping will be done
    Reading Vector file 100%
    Building areas 100%
    Building islands (no islands present)
    Attaching labels
 Number of lines:   17
 Number of nodes:   34
 Number of areas:   0
 Number of isles:   0
 Number of atts :   0
 Number of unattached atts :   0
 Snapped lines  :   0


# From the menu, set the region from the
# vector file Height.LAYER_002001 you
# just made (Menu item 5),
# otherwise you may not get any results
# further down


=== After doing this =============
  projection:   1 (UTM)
  zone:         32
  north:       402418
  south:       402182
  east:        -55243
  west:        -55351

  e-w res:     1
  n-s res:     1

  total rows:              236
  total cols:              108
  total cells:          25,488

warning - north falls outside the default region
warning - west falls outside the default region

Do you accept this region? (y/n) [n] > y
current region set from [Height.LAYER_002001].


# AT this point you should be able to look at the vector maps
# and see white lines on black

d.mon x0


# Now convert to raster

v.to.rast input=Height.LAYER_002001 output=Height.LAYER_002001.20030508
Loading vector information ...                  0 mins 00 secs
Sorting areas by size ... 0 areas               0 mins 00 secs
Processing lines ... 82 lines                   0 mins 00 secs
Processing sites ... 0 sites                    0 mins 00 secs
Writing raster map ...                          0 mins 00 secs
Creating support files for raster map ...       0 mins 00 secs

Raster map <Height.LAYER_002001.20030508> done.
Total processing time:                            0 mins 00 secs


# You should now have  a displayable raster map
# with coloured lines on white

d.rast Height.LAYER_002001.20030508


r.surf.contour -f input=Height.LAYER_002001.20030508

# now display the contour map and check the values.

d.rast Height.LAYER_002001.20030508.contour


 Left:  what's here
 Right: quit

-55307.97916667(E) 402284.5125(N)
Height.LAYER_002001.20030508.contour in miketh  (22)

-55295.19583333(E) 402285.00416667(N)
Height.LAYER_002001.20030508.contour in miketh  (20)

-55288.80416667(E) 402286.97083333(N)
Height.LAYER_002001.20030508.contour in miketh  (19)

-55287.82083333(E) 402295.82083333(N)
Height.LAYER_002001.20030508.contour in miketh  (18)

-55287.82083333(E) 402302.2125(N)
Height.LAYER_002001.20030508.contour in miketh  (17)

 Left:  what's here
 Right: quit

-55287.82083333(E) 402306.14583333(N)
Height.LAYER_002001.20030508.contour in miketh  (16)

-55276.02083333(E) 402316.9625(N)
Height.LAYER_002001.20030508.contour in miketh  (14)

-55275.0375(E) 402306.14583333(N)
Height.LAYER_002001.20030508.contour in miketh  (12)

-55270.6125(E) 402305.65416667(N)
Height.LAYER_002001.20030508.contour in miketh  (11)

-55266.67916667(E) 402305.1625(N)
Height.LAYER_002001.20030508.contour in miketh  (10)

 Left:  what's here
 Right: quit

-55256.84583333(E) 402304.17916667(N)
Height.LAYER_002001.20030508.contour in miketh  (6)

-55254.87916667(E) 402345.97083333(N)
Height.LAYER_002001.20030508.contour in miketh  (1)

-----Original Message-----
From: Knud Hillers [mailto:ktrap at frisurf.no]
Sent: Friday, May 02, 2003 12:11 AM
To: miketh at brisbane.paradigmgeo.com
Subject: Re: [winGRASS] problem with converting DXF to DEM


Thank you for your interest. Here is the link to Markus` message

I have included the dxf-file in this message. I have exported it from
Autocad 14, in release 12 format.

The location is UTM32, northern hemisphere..
Datum wgs84

greetings Knud Hillers

----- Original Message -----
From: Mike Thomas
To: Knud Hillers ; wingrass at grass.itc.it
Sent: Thursday, May 01, 2003 12:45 PM
Subject: Re: [winGRASS] problem with converting DXF to DEM

Hi Knud.

Please zip up the Grass location with the data and preferably a reference to
Markus' message and send it to me at:

   miketh at brisbane dot paradigmgeo dot com

cc also this address and I'll try and look at the problem before Tuesday


Mike Thomas.

----- Original Message -----
From: Knud Hillers
To: wingrass at grass.itc.it
Sent: Thursday, May 01, 2003 5:48 PM
Subject: [winGRASS] problem with converting DXF to DEM


I have installed CYGWIN and GRASS.
I have an DXF file with contour lines (I think), which is an export from a
larger height modell.
UTM 32, datum wgs84.
I want to output from WinGRASSI to a compatible USGS format DEM.
I have used a lot of time on this, but can get it to work.....
I have tried the approach meintioned earlier by Markus Neteler (Fri, 15 Mar
01:01:24), but I dont get any results...

Is there anyone who can take a look at this dxf and maybe explain how I make
this work ???

KTH - Norway.
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