[winGRASS] problem with converting DXF to DEM

Mike Thomas mthomas at gil.com.au
Thu May 1 06:45:58 EDT 2003

Hi Knud.

Please zip up the Grass location with the data and preferably a reference to Markus' message and send it to me at:

   miketh at brisbane dot paradigmgeo dot com

cc also this address and I'll try and look at the problem before Tuesday evening.


Mike Thomas.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Knud Hillers 
  To: wingrass at grass.itc.it 
  Sent: Thursday, May 01, 2003 5:48 PM
  Subject: [winGRASS] problem with converting DXF to DEM


  I have installed CYGWIN and GRASS.
  I have an DXF file with contour lines (I think), which is an export from a larger height modell. 
  UTM 32, datum wgs84.
  I want to output from WinGRASSI to a compatible USGS format DEM.
  I have used a lot of time on this, but can get it to work.....
  I have tried the approach meintioned earlier by Markus Neteler (Fri, 15 Mar 01:01:24), but I dont get any results...

  Is there anyone who can take a look at this dxf and maybe explain how I make this work ???

  KTH - Norway.
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