[winGRASS] Re: winGRASS digest, Vol 1 #205 - 2 msgs

ed_breuer at austrialpinusa.com ed_breuer at austrialpinusa.com
Sat Aug 21 13:44:01 EDT 2004

> --__--__--
> Message: 2
> Date: Mon, 09 Aug 2004 07:17:38 -0600
> From: Richard Greenwood <rich at greenwoodmap.com>
> To: "van der Mark, C.J. <xs4all account via olvg>" <cvdmark at xs4all.nl>
> CC: wingrass at grass.itc.it
> Subject: Re: [winGRASS] Installation problems
> van der Mark, C.J. <xs4all account via olvg> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > Spend two weekends now on installing GRASS 5.0 under Cygwin and I only get
> error messages.
> >
> > I installed Cygwin fully on a NTFS Win-XP partition (xp homeversion)
> > All downloads and installs succeeded
> >
> > Then I installed GRASS 5.0 as described in the install pages of that
> compile.
> > No error messages
> >
> > I created the object files as directed in the helpfile of 5.0
> > No error messages
> >
> > When I start GRASS I first get a small window (from GRASS) which cannot be
> opened at the top of my screen,
> > then I get a bunch of errors about files it cannot find, directories that
> are not accessable and so on.
> > (there are no spaces in the dir names.)
> >
> > The only thing I noticed that GRASS 5.0 was disigned for use with Xfree86,
> but that package was removed and replaced with Xwindows (X11) server......
> >
> > thanks in advance,
> > Cees
> > Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
> How are you starting GRASS? I would suggest starting the Cygwin Bash
> shell, and then type "grass5". This should get you started in text mode.
> If that works, quit Grass and start X-Windows, then start Grass.

try to type in at the command line: "startx" That should bring Xwindows allive.
This would be the Linux/Unix equivalent command for it.

 Are you doing this from MS Windows? What breed? XP? Windows2000 ? or NT?

> Regards,
> --
> Richard Greenwood
> www.greenwoodmap.com
> --__--__--
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