[winGRASS] xwin ok but grass errors

Royden Yates ryates at iziko.org.za
Sat Aug 21 15:17:47 EDT 2004


I am running under XP home, with Cygwin (in C:\CYGWIN), Cygwin/X
server and Grass 5.7.0 (in
C:\cygwin\usr\local\grass5.7.0-i686-pc-cygwin-24_06_2004\) installed.

Installations appeared error free.

I start with

export DISPLAY=
Xwin -multiwindows -clipboard &

I get the "Welcome to Grass       Version 5.7.0 screen
Hit RETURN to continue"

Xwin displays  "Starting GRASS...."

Then a problem emerges: a message box from 16bit MS-DOS Subsystem

The NTVDM CPU has encountered an illegal instruction
CS:0000 IP:0077 OP:f0 37 05 oc 02 Choose 'close' to terminate the

If I click on 'ignore' a similar error box displays, this time

"CS:00cf IP:0308 OP:0f 04 00 00 00..." and so on with a different set
of numbers for each of 8 clicks on ignore.

Xwin is now returned to "Ryates at RYATES ~

with the following information above it:

"/home/ryates/<UNKNOWN>/<UNKNOWN>/.gislock: No such file or directory
ERROR: /usr/local/grass5.7.0-i686-pc-cygwin-24_06_2004/etc/lock:
Ryates is currently running GRASS in selected MAPSET. Concurrent use
not allowed."

Seems a configuration problem, but I believe I followed the
installation instructions. Yet that NTVDM CPU message seems

Any help here?



Royden Yates

Curator Researcher
Precolonial Archaeology Section
Social History Collections Division
Iziko: SA Museum
Tel: +27-21-4813882
Fax: +27-21-4813993
cell phone: 083 6906011
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