[winGRASS] RE: [GRASSLIST:5004] cvs login: warning: failed to open //.cvspas
s for reading: No suc h file or directory
Patton, Eric
epatton at nrcan.gc.ca
Tue Nov 30 11:53:48 EST 2004
Ok, I've noticed something related to my last question that might be the
problem....when I log out of Cygwin Grass 5.7, I get the following message:
Closing monitors.....
Cleaning up temporary files.....
cp: cannot create regular file '//.grassrc57': No such file or directory
Goodbye from GRASS GIS
Where are those double slashes coming from? Is that a typical Cygwin error?
I seem to recall there was a thread about double slashes ending up in
directory and file paths under Cygwin, does anyone know about this error?
~ Eric.
Eric Patton
Technologist, Geo-Spatial Data Services
Geological Survey of Canada (Atlantic)
Natural Resources Canada
Bedford Institute of Oceanography
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada B2Y 4A2
Postal address: P.O. Box 1006
Courier address: 1 Challenger Drive
Telephone: (902)426-7732
Facsimile: (902)426-4104
E-mail: <mailto:epatton at NRCan.gc.ca> epatton at NRCan.gc.ca
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-GRASSLIST at baylor.edu [mailto:owner-GRASSLIST at baylor.edu] On
Behalf Of Patton, Eric
Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 2004 12:33 PM
To: GRASSList (GRASSLIST at baylor.edu); WinGrass (wingrass at grass.itc.it)
Subject: [GRASSLIST:5004] cvs login: warning: failed to open //.cvspass for
reading: No suc h file or directory
I received the following error when trying to login to CVS:
cvs login: warning: failed to open //.cvspass for reading: No such file or
cvs [login aborted]: could not open //.cvspass for writing: No such file or
<sigh>...here are the steps I used:
(using Cygwin bash shell)
CVSROOT=:pserver:grass-guest at intevation.de:/home/grass/grassrepository
cvs login
~ Eric.
Eric Patton
Technologist, Geo-Spatial Data Services
Geological Survey of Canada (Atlantic)
Natural Resources Canada
Bedford Institute of Oceanography
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada B2Y 4A2
Postal address: P.O. Box 1006
Courier address: 1 Challenger Drive
Telephone: (902)426-7732
Facsimile: (902)426-4104
E-mail: <mailto:epatton at NRCan.gc.ca> epatton at NRCan.gc.ca
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