[winGRASS] v.db.addcol

Moritz Lennert mlennert at club.worldonline.be
Sat Nov 10 05:16:03 EST 2007

Glynn Clements wrote:
> Moritz Lennert wrote:
>>> I have narrowed down the issue a bit: the problem only occurs with the 
>>> dbf driver, not with postgresql or sqlite. Up to now I have seen that 
>>> inserts and updates do not work.
>>> Will look further.
>> Found it:
>> The rename function used to move the temporary dbf file to the correct 
>> filename of the table does not work correctly in windows, as it does not 
>> allow to rename to an existing file:
>> "The rename function renames the file or directory specified by oldname 
>> to the name given by newname. The old name must be the path of an 
>> existing file or directory. The new name must not be the name of an 
>> existing file or directory"
>> (http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/zw5t957f(VS.71).aspx)
>> So we'll need to find another function to use here.
>> Glynn, any hints ?
> Call remove() first.

duh..don't I feel stupid now ;-)



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