[winGRASS] V.type

Isaac Ullah isaac.ullah at asu.edu
Sat Nov 10 14:38:38 EST 2007

> Subject: RE: [winGRASS] V.type
> To: "'Sampson, David'" <dsampson at nrcan.gc.ca>, <wingrass at grass.itc.it>
> Message-ID:
> psu.edu>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> David,
> You are trying to execute a shell script in Windows without Msys. However,
> if you need to change the vector type you can use the GRASS extension of
> QGIS, either from the menu or from the shell. There is also a way to run
> shell scripts in winGRASS see the installation instructions for that:
> If you want to be able to run shell scripts (some of the GRASS modules are
> actually shell scripts), you also have to install Msys
> (
> http://sourceforge.net/project/downloading.php?groupname=mingw&filename=MSY
> S-1.0.11-2004.04.30-1.exe or if this link does not work, go to
> http://www.mingw.org/download.shtml); in order for shell scripts to work,
> you will have to add msys' lib and bin directories to your path in the
> grass63.bat file.
> Jonathan Aguero Valverde
> Research Assistant and Ph.D. Candidate
> Pennsylvania State University
> The Pennsylvania Transportation Institute
> 201 Transportation Research Building
> University Park, PA 16802
> www.personal.psu.edu/jua130
There is no real "shell" for the native Wingrass version (unlike for the
Cygwin version), so at first I was stumped at how to call scripts that are
not in the file menus.Then I remebered that you could directly run grass
scripts by typing commands into the prompt at the bottom of the Output
window. It definately works in Windows (obviously installing mysys is still
a prerequisite), butI have not yet attempted to call a script that is not in
the standard scripts directory. I imagine that as long as the path is
specified, you could execute any script you want in this way, so you should
try to run v.type.sh this way. BTW, I am assuming that you  originally tried
running it from the command prompt, but correct me if I am wrong.



Isaac I Ullah, M.A.

Archaeology PhD Student,
ASU School of Evolution and Social Change

Research Assistant,
Mediterranean Landscape Dynamics Project
isaac.ullah at asu.edu
ullah at archaeologist.com

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