[GRASS-windows] r.sim.water

Stefan Frerichs frerichs at bkr-ac.de
Mon Sep 15 03:45:42 EDT 2008

Big thanks to Markus and all the others for there replys and there
testing and helping.

I will wait to November/December for a working Windows-Version of
r.sim.water (when i'm right, Helena needs one), but first I will try it
in a virtual Linux-Box, although I'm not very familiar with it ... - I
will report later.


Markus Neteler schrieb:
> Hi Stefan,
> I have downloaded your location from the secret server and run
> r.sim.water -t elevin=dgm dxin=dgm_dx dyin=dgm_dy \
>     rain=surf_fractal_d50 rain_val=50 infil_val=0.0 manin_val=0.1 \
>     depth=dgm_depth disch=dgm_disch niter=10 outiter=5 diffc=0.8 \
>     hmax=0.3 halpha=4.0 hbeta=0.5
> default nwalk=2317456, rwalk=2317456.000000
> Min elevation = -263.84 m
> Max elevation = 299.54 m
> Mean Source Rate (rainf. excess or sediment) = 0.000013 m/s or kg/m2s
> Mean flow velocity = 1.530536 m/s
> Mean Mannings = 0.100375
> Number of iterations = 36 cells
> Time step = 4.08 s
>   11% ...  100%
> Resulting maps are created:
> dgm_depth.0294 dgm_depth.0588
> dgm_disch.0294 dgm_disch.0588
> During execution (Linux, GRASS 6.4.svn), I have low memory consumption:
> Mem:   3096356k total,  1878772k used,  1217584k free,   190628k buffers
> r.sim.water uses 6.6% of the memory, so not really much.
> I don't see relevant changes in r.sim.water between 6.3.svn and 6.4.svn.
> Possibly there is a Windows related memory issue?
> Please submit a bug report:
> http://grass.osgeo.org/grass63/binary/mswindows/native/#How%20to%20Submit%20Bugs
> I am not sure how to debug under Windows (here MingW). Maybe someone
> here could give you hints
> In near future, we'll prepare a 6.4.0 release branch, hopefully a new Windows
> version will be prepared then.
> Sorry for being no more help right now, under Linux it works.
> Markus
> On Fri, Sep 12, 2008 at 10:59 AM, Stefan Frerichs <frerichs at bkr-ac.de> wrote:
>> Hi Markus,
>> I have imported a elevation IMG to Grass and get the following DEM:
>> +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
>>  | Layer:    dgm at mapset             Date: Wed Sep 10 11:35:01 2008    |
>>  | Mapset:   Mapset                 Login of Creator: stefan          |
>>  | Location: Location                                                 |
>>  | DataBase: Path/DLM-D                                               |
>>  | Title:     ( dgm )                                                 |
>>  | Timestamp: none                                                    |
>>  |--------------------------------------------------------------------|
>>  |   Type of Map:  raster               Number of Categories: 255     |
>>  |   Data Type:    FCELL                                              |
>>  |   Rows:         964                                                |
>>  |   Columns:      1202                                               |
>>  |   Total Cells:  1158728                                            |
>>  |        Projection: Transverse Mercator                             |
>>  |        N: 5652051.21010544    S: 5627951.21010544   Res:    25     |
>>  |        E: 2540019.37538876    W: 2509969.37538876   Res:    25     |
>>  |   Range of data:    min = -263.843994  max = 299.535004            |
>>  |                                                                    |
>>  |   Data Description:                                                |
>>  |    generated by r.in.gdal                                          |
>>  |                                                                    |
>>  |   Comments:                                                        |
>>  | r.in.gdal -o input="Path\dgm.img" output="dgm"                     |
>>  |                                                                    |
>> +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
>> >From here I set the region-settings to the DEM (as seen in my post to
>> your further inquiry) and build up dgm_dx and dgm_dy with r.slope.aspect:
>> r.slope.aspect elevation=dgm at mapset format=degrees prec=float dx=dgm_dx
>> dy=dgm_dy zfactor=1.0 min_slp_allowed=0.0
>> Into the region I build a fractal map as model for a heavy rainfall (as
>> described in my first inquires) with this result:
>> +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
>>  | Layer:    rainfall_d50 at mapset    Date: Thu Sep 11 10:10:37 2008    |
>>  | Mapset:   mapset               Login of Creator: stefan            |
>>  | Location: location                                                 |
>>  | DataBase: Path/DLM-D                                               |
>>  | Title:     ( rainfall_d50 )                                        |
>>  | Timestamp: none                                                    |
>> |----------------------------------------------------------------------------|
>>  |                                                                    |
>>  |   Type of Map:  raster               Number of Categories: 255     |
>>  |   Data Type:    DCELL                                              |
>>  |   Rows:         964                                                |
>>  |   Columns:      1202                                               |
>>  |   Total Cells:  1158728                                            |
>>  |        Projection: Transverse Mercator                             |
>>  |        N: 5652051.21010544    S: 5627951.21010544   Res:    25     |
>>  |        E: 2540019.37538876    W: 2509969.37538876   Res:    25     |
>>  |   Range of data:    min = 2.787233  max = 83.784941                |
>>  |                                                                    |
>>  |   Data Description:                                                |
>>  |    generated by r.mapcalc                                          |
>>  |                                                                    |
>>  |   Comments:                                                        |
>>  |    surf_fractal_max300 at mapset / 179.030000 * 50                    |
>>  |                                                                    |
>> +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
>> With this input I try to calculate the overland flow with r.sim.water
>> r.sim.water -t elevin=dgm at mapset dxin=dgm_dx at mapset dyin=dgm_dy at mapset
>> rain=rainfall_d50 at mapset rain_val=50 infil_val=0.0 manin_val=0.1
>> depth=rainfall_depth disch=rainfall_dish nwalk=0 niter=10 outiter=5
>> density=200 diffc=0.8 hmax=0.3 halpha=4.0 hbeta=0.5
>> with the well-known result ("Für diesen Befehl ist nicht genügend
>> Speicher verfügbar") and r.sim.water-crash.
>> As a variant I doesn't use the fractalmap rainfall_d50 at mapset, but then
>> r.sim.water crashes without a message.
>> When you (Markus) like to repeat my tries I can send you a link to a
>> ftp-server where you can download my data at all are a specific map
>> alone (only to Markus at this point, sorry to the list). My only
>> assumption, why r.sim.water not functioned with my data is, that the
>> rasters are too large ...
>> Thank you very much for the time, you spend so long with my problem
>> Stefan
>> Markus Neteler schrieb:
>>> Hi Stefan,
>>> On Thu, Sep 11, 2008 at 11:01 AM, Stefan Frerichs <frerichs at bkr-ac.de> wrote:
>>>> Hi Markus,
>>>> g.region -p have following output:
>>>> rojection: 99 (Transverse Mercator)
>>> ouch!
>>>> zone:       0
>>>> datum:      potsdam
>>>> ellipsoid:  bessel
>>>> north:      5652051.21010544
>>>> south:      5627951.21010544
>>>> west:       2509969.37538876
>>>> east:       2540019.37538876
>>>> nsres:      25
>>>> ewres:      25
>>>> rows:       964
>>>> cols:       1202
>>>> cells:      1158728
>>>> ("rojection" sic!)
>>> (That's very strange, cannot trace any broken word like this in 6.3.)
>>>> The Map-Unit is meter, as the elevation-raster comes in Gauß-Krüger
>>> ok. While I have a GK location, could you send the instructions to
>>> repeat your example? Or package up the location with relevant
>>> maps only for a test?
>>> Markus
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