[GRASS-windows] GRASS MSYS Console problems

Maxim Dubinin sim at gis-lab.info
Tue Sep 30 11:25:32 EDT 2008

Hi Marco,

thanks for your reply.

Unfortunately we were unable to run grass63 -text using your solution. Still
getting the message: Redirection is not supported. I wrote "we"
because at least 3 other people confirmed the same behavior.

This is what I did:
1. Moved grass63 from GRASS\msys\home\C\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\ to GRASS\msys\home\USERNAME
2. Removed .grassrc6 from GRASS\msys\home\C\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\
3. Removed .grassrc6 from C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\
4. Ran GRASS MSYS Console
5. Entered grass63 -text

Best regards,

Вы писали 30 сентября 2008 г., 5:36:23:

MP> Hi Maxim,

>> I've some troubles, trying to run GRASS MSYS Console. I'm running
>> WinGRASS 6.3.0-4 under Windows XP.
>> Here is what I do:
>> 1. Install GRASS in C:\GIS\GRASS
>> 2. Check C:\Gis\GRASS\msys\home\, in this folder C\Documents and
>> Settings\MYNAME is created during install, where grass63 is sitting.
>> 3. Run Start\Programs\GRASS\GRASS MSYS Console
>> 4. Check C:\Gis\GRASS\msys\home\ again, now in this folder MYNAME
>> (lowercase) folder is created, without grass63 file in it.
>> Needless to say, that even if I move grass63 from the folder made
>> right after install
>> "C:\Gis\GRASS\msys\home\C\Documents and Settings\MYNAME"
>> to the one created on first run of MSYS
>> "C:\Gis\GRASS\msys\home\MYNAME"
>> GRASS GUI starts with problems, grass63 -text doesn't start at all,
>> producing "Redirection is not supported" message.
>> The problem was replicated on at least 4 more machines by other
>> people under the same operating system and grass version.
>> An I missing something or this folder shuffle is indeed a bug
>> preventing GRASS MSYS console to run correctly?

MP> I'm afraid, this is a known bug of the installer (in recognizing the proper
MP> user name); I already fixed it in trunk, but I didn't release it yet.
MP> This said, you should be able to run GRASS moving the grass63 file created
MP> by the installer to "C:\Gis\GRASS\msys\home\YOUR_USERNAME", and then 
MP> deleting the file .grassrc6 from that folder and from your %USERPROFILE%
MP> folder. Restarting GRASS all should go fine.

MP> Regards,

MP> Marco

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