[GRASS-windows] Re: [GRASS-user] Supervised classification without i.class

Luis Lisboa luislisboa1975 at gmail.com
Thu Dec 3 06:33:27 EST 2009

Hello Martin thanks for your reply.

>I am afraid not -- only non-interactive approach. Digitize areas, rasterize
vector areas and >use i.gensig.
Ok. But If I try to have Linux or Mac OS machine, I could use i.class right?

About your links, ehehehe unfortunely Czech is not in my language domain
(English, Spanish, French, Catalan). But I will try to get some ideas :)

>Import data to native format using v.out.ogr or link data using
>v.external (some problems can occur). The OGR interface is being
>improved in GRASS 7.
Uhm I'm planning to use 6.4 (it has binaries). has anyone tried with success
this operation?


Best regards
Luis Lisboa
Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona
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