[GRASS-windows] GRASS 6.4.0 RC3 wxpython : command ... not yet implemented (d.barscale etc)

Moritz Lennert mlennert at club.worldonline.be
Mon Feb 23 12:44:00 EST 2009

On 23/02/09 18:08, Vladimir Goncharov wrote:
>> Which version ?
> Please look at the subject line: GRASS 6.4.0 RC3

Sorry, missed that. Did you use the osgeo4w installer ?

>>> when I run
>>>    d.barscale at=0,0
>> (From) Where do you 'run' it ?
> Sorry, I don't know can I attach screenshots here? 

As long as its a small file, this is ok. Even better is to put 
screenshots on a web site and link to it.

> Anyway, the window is
> called 'GRASS GIS Layer Manager (Experimental Prototype)'.
> I entered commands in bottom line  marker 'Cmd>'
>> In this case d.barscale is called from within the GUI. But, yes, the
>> message is not entirely correct.
>> If you want to display something in the GUI Display window, then you
>> have to go through the GUI to do so, you cannot type d.* commands at
>> the Cmd> prompt of the GUI.
> But I can type
>   d.his elevation i=elevation_shade
> and
>   d.vect roadsmajor
> and it work prefectly.

Funny, here in GNU/Linux and with grass6 development version, d.his 
works, but d.vect doesn't. For the latter, I first have to double click 
on the vector layer and click on Apply for the vector layer to appear in 
the Map Display...
Can't try on Windows right now.

> What is difference between d.his and d.barscale?
> Is it documented?

I don't know. Maybe due to the fact that d.barscale has some interactive 
code for placement... CC'ing to the wxgui developers for comment.

>> You can use d.* commands on the command line when you use direct
>> rendering [1].
> What is direct rendering?

When direct rendering is "activated", you can type d.* commands at the 
command line and the result is rendered into a file, instead of the 
screen. See


To use this, you have to use GRASS via the command line.

>> (  BTW,does anybody know is
>>> there menu item for this command? I can't find it:))
>> It is not in the main menus, but in the 'Add raster layer' button menu.
> Sorry? I see d.shadedmap and r.his out there, but not d.his.  Probably
> r.his does the same work, but it requires more arguments.

Click on the button circled in red on:

You then get a menu, of which one choice is "Add HIS layer" which opens 
the d.his dialogue window and adds a layer to the GIS Manager.

> Again, I'm reading GRASS book and trying to run commands found in the
> text ( 3rd chapter in this case). It seems that
> I have to use stable version but not bleeding-edge one.

Well, for windows, the bleeding-edge one is probably much more stable 
than any older ones.

You could try using the gis.m GUI instead of the wx GUI. For that you 
need to find your .grassrc6 file (normally in your home directory, which 
under windows is often in c:\Documents and settings\UserName and change 
the setting of the GRASS_GUI variable to tcltk and then restart GRASS.


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