[Gvsig_italian] gvSIG 1.12 RC2 rilasciato
gvSIG News Office
press a gvsig.com
Lun 6 Ago 2012 03:59:49 PDT
E' stato rilasciato gvSIG 1.12 RC2:
gvSIG has published a new distribution of the version 1.12 (gvSIG 1.12 RC2). The second release candidate is product of the stabilization process of this version.
As usual, it is available from the Download section of the website [1].
Check the improvements of this distribution from the Version notes section [2].
[1] http://www.gvsig.org/web/projects/gvsig-desktop/official/gvsig-1.12/downloads
[2] http://www.gvsig.org/web/projects/gvsig-desktop/official/gvsig-1.12/notas-de-version
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