[gvSIG_Italian] 13th International gvSIG Conference: New proposal deadline
gvSIG Press
press a gvsig.com
Gio 3 Ago 2017 01:09:13 PDT
Hi all,
we inform you that we have extended the deadline for submitting
communication proposals for 13th International gvSIG Conference because
of the public holidays in several countries. The new deadline is
September 7^th .
The 13th International gvSIG Conference will take place at School of
Engineering in Geodesy, Cartography and Surveying (Universitat
Politècnica de València, Spain) from October 18th to 20th.
We encourage you to participate, not only as participant but also
presenting your projects about gvSIG. You can find all the information
about how to send them in[2].
In September we will inform you about the workshops of the conference at
the gvSIG Blog [3].
We expect your participation!
[1] http://jornadas.gvsig.org <http://jornadas.gvsig.org/>
[3] http://blog.gvsig.org <http://blog.gvsig.org/>
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