[gvSIG_Italian] 13th International gvSIG Conference: “gvSIG Suite: Geolocating ICT”

gvSIG Press press a gvsig.com
Lun 19 Giu 2017 06:06:41 PDT

The School of Engineering in Geodesy, Cartography and Surveying 
(Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain) will host, one more year, 
the International gvSIG Conference [1], that will be early respecting 
the usual date. The 13th Conference will be held from October 18th to 
20th under the slogan “gvSIG Suite: Geolocalizando las TIC".

 From now, communication proposals can be sent to the email address: 
conference-contact a gvsig.com; and they will be evaluated by the 
scientific committee as to their inclusion in the conference program. 
There are two types of communication: paper or poster. Information 
regarding to regulations on communication presentations and deadline can 
be found in the Communications section of the website [2].

Organizations interested in collaborating in the event can find 
information in the section: How to collaborate [3], with different 
levels of sponsoring.

We expect your participation.

[1] http://jornadas.gvsig.org

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