[gvSIG_Italian] New Release Candidate distribution for gvSIG 2.4 to be tested

Mario Carrera mcarrera a gvsig.com
Gio 26 Ott 2017 08:10:22 PDT

Hi all,

a new RC (Release Candidate) distribution for gvSIG 2.4 has been 
released (gvSIG 2.4 RC3), that you can download from [1], where we have 
been fixing errore respecting the previous builds. This distribution has 
portable versions already, so if you don't want to install it until the 
final version you can download that distribution.

You can see the novelties of this version in [2].

We encourage you to test it and tell us about the errors that you find.

Thanks for your collaboration.


[2] https://blog.gvsig.org/?s=Towards+gvSIG+2.4

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