[gvSIG_Italian] 4th gvSIG festival: Free registration is now open
gvSIG News
press a gvsig.com
Ven 15 Mar 2019 05:04:01 PDT
Free registration period for the 4th gvSIG Festival is now open. The
gvSIG Festival is an online conference about gvSIG that will be held in
March 27th and 28th.
This year we made a special appeal to the group of women who are part of
the gvSIG Community, and it has been reflected at the program, where
almost all the presentations will be given by women. You can check the
full program of the gvSIG Festival on the event website [1], where there
will be presentations in Spanish, English and Portuguese.
The webinar platform allows to connect to the webinars from any
operating system, and in case you can’t see some of the webinars, you
will be able to watch them at the gvSIG Youtube channel [2] later like
in the previous year.
Registration for each webinar can be done from the program page of the
gvSIG Festival website [1].
Don’t miss it!
[2] http://www.youtube.com/user/gvsig/videos
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