[gvSIG_Italian] 17th International gvSIG Conference will finally become an online event
gvSIG Project
press a gvsig.com
Gio 23 Set 2021 10:37:45 PDT
Due to current restrictions on mobility between countries, the 17th
gvSIG International Conference [1] will finally be an online event.
For this reason, the period for sending communications is extended until
October 20th so that people who could not be present and wish to make a
presentation can present their proposals. Likewise, the registration
period for the gvSIG International Conference will finally start on
October 27th, when the program is published.
All the information about the rules for submitting proposals can be
consulted in the "Communications" [2] section of the conference website.
[1] http://www.gvsig.com/17th-international-gvsig-conference
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