[Ica-osgeo-labs] OSGEO Lab in Sri Lanka

Yann Chemin ychemin at gmail.com
Wed Nov 6 21:33:58 PST 2013

Hello Suchith,

I am sitting now in Osaka (FOSS4G-JP) with Jeff and Venkat-sensei, and we
are discussing about the possibility to open an OSGEO-Lab at the University
of Moratuwa, Faculty of Architecture, Urban Planning, Sri Lanka.

I am already teaching WebGIS and GIS Programming there for 2 years, all
with OSGEO tools, and faculty is being also trained for teaching those
courses. We are now developing research topics using both FOSS4G and OSHW
like RaspberryPI+sensors for urban mapping.

I already spoke informally with Anne in Prague this July about it, and now
I am in official discussions with the Faculty / administration in Sri
Lanka. All are supportive of the move.

So, what is the next step, really?

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