[Ica-osgeo-labs] FW: Free and Open Source GIS course – Aug 4–8 @ Hunter College, NYC

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Wed Jun 18 15:08:28 PDT 2014

Hi Suchith,
Will this course make use of OSGeo-Live? If so I'd be keen to add the 
details to our history page:

Keeping track of how OSGeo-Live is used provides the motivation and 
business justifications people and organisations use to justify 
contributing to OSGeo-Live.

I'd also like to hear from any others making use of OSGeo-Live such that 
we can add your use to this page.

On 18/06/2014 10:57 pm, Suchith Anand wrote:
> *From:*carsten.kessler at gmail.com [mailto:carsten.kessler at gmail.com] 
> *On Behalf Of *Carsten Kessler
> *Sent:* 18 June 2014 13:45
> *To:* ucgis-all
> *Subject:* Free and Open Source GIS course – Aug 4–8 @ Hunter College, NYC
> Dear all,
> we will be offering a five day professional training course on FOSS 
> GIS at Hunter college, NYC, the first week of August: 
> http://www.hunter.cuny.edu/ce/gis
> Feel free to forward the course description below to potential 
> participants.
> Best,
> Carsten Kessler
> *August 4 to August 8, 2014, 9 AM to 5 PM*
> The Department of Geography at Hunter College of the City University 
> of New York and Hunter Continuing Education are offering a five day 
> professional course in *Free and Open Source GIS*. This five day 
> course will span the entire range of GIS data capture, management, 
> analysis, and visualization of geographic information 
> using Free and Open Source Software (FOSS). These different elements 
> of the GIS workflow will be discussed over the first four days and 
> will then be applied in a final project completed on Friday. The 
> course will combine lectures with hands-on sessions where participants 
> will work with different free and open source GIS packages. Since we 
> expect participants from many different organizations in the tri-state 
> area, this training course also presents an excellent networking 
> opportunity.
> The course is designed for experienced GIS users who want to broaden 
> their skill set with expertise in the ever-growing world 
> of free and open source GIS. Participants are expected to have a 
> technical background and an interest in developing comprehensive 
> workflows using multiple software components. While we do not require 
> any programming experience, we will be working on the command line and 
> developing some small scripts. Participants should be eager to master 
> these valuable skills.
>     _Instructors_
>     Carson Farmer and Carsten Kessler are Associate Directors of the
>     Center for Advanced Research of Spatial Information (CARSI Lab)
>     and Assistant Professors for Geographic Information Science in the
>     Department of Geography at Hunter College - CUNY.
> Carson <http://carsonfarmer.com/> has been working 
> with open source GIS projects, including as core developer for QGIS, 
> since 2007. His research interests revolve around movements and flows 
> of individuals, information, and commodities within urban 
> environments, and the development and implementation of novel spatial 
> analysis methods and software aimed at characterizing these flows.
> Carsten <http://carsten.io/> has extensive experience in projects 
> around open data and the exchange of geographic information, both in 
> international research projects and as a consultant. His research 
> interests are in the areas of information integration, volunteered 
> geographic information, emergency management, and collaborative and 
> participatoryGIS.
> Both instructors will be present for the duration of the course to 
> support the participants in the hands-on exercises.
>     _Location, registration and fees_
>     The course will be held at the Department of Geography's computer
>     lab in the Hunter North building at Lexington and 68th Street,
>     Manhattan. Registration fee for this course is $1800 and includes
>     access to computers and server space to run the exercises.
> For more detailed information or to register, visit 
> http://www.hunter.cuny.edu/ce/gisor contact the Hunter Continuing 
> Education office at 212-650-3850 <tel:212-650-3850> or 
> ce at hunter.cuny.edu <mailto:ce at hunter.cuny.edu> .
> ---
> Carsten Kessler – http://carsten.io
> Center for Advanced Research of Spatial Information
> Department of Geography
> Hunter College – CUNY
> 695 Park Avenue
> New York, NY-10065
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Cameron Shorter,
Software and Data Solutions Manager
Suite 112, Jones Bay Wharf,
26 - 32 Pirrama Rd, Pyrmont NSW 2009

P +61 2 9009 5000,  W www.lisasoft.com,  F +61 2 9009 5099

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