[Ica-osgeo-labs] International Map Year 2015 and FOSS4G Europe 2015 Como

Georg Gartner georg.gartner at tuwien.ac.at
Fri Oct 24 08:49:58 PDT 2014

Dear Collegues,

I think terms like Paleogeography reflect some kind of "ordinal scale", 
thus a judgement of
old/modern, good/bad, which I think is not useful at all in 
cooperations, discussions, committments.

It is good, that you "stumble" over ICA initiatives, this is exactly 
what we should do, be aware of
what we can do together.

You might want to find out from www.icaci.org, which instruments, ideas, 
excellent persons (like
e.g. Suchith and his OpenSource Commission, or the NeoCartography 
Commission) are there
and offered and in progress. I haven't witnessed ever, that ICA might be 
describable like

mostly focussed on traditional cartography and generally fairly
reserved towards crowd sourced geodata and community projects

", but rather the opposite. Check it out.

I think Cartography is so much relevant, modern and attractive, that it 
is fun and rewarding to work in this domain.
I would be happy to take every idea or initiative in this respect on 
board as ICA is an inclusive framework for everybody
working with maps and cartography.

with kind regards,

Georg Gartner
International Cartographic Association

PS. Please expect more detailed information about the International Map 
Year in the upcoming weeks.
I think this might be a good opportunity for all of us to cooperate.

Am 24.10.2014 01:58, schrieb Stefan Keller:
> Hi,
> I just stumbled (too) over this: http://internationalmapyear.org 2015:
> see below.
> I'd love to make FOSS4G Europe 2015 Como a place where OSM meets ICA
> in order to explain to cartographers what OSM is ("Neogeography meets
> Paleogeography?" :-))
> Yours, Stefan
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Christoph Hormann <chris_hormann at gmx.de>
> Date: 2014-10-22 12:39 GMT+02:00
> Subject: Re: [OSM-talk] International Map Year
> To: talk at openstreetmap.org
> On Wednesday 22 October 2014, Jochen Topf wrote:
>> Just stumbled over this:
>> http://internationalmapyear.org
>> Seems to be some UN thing: The International Map Year 2015/16. Maybe
>> some OSM groups want to get involved in some way.
> This is an ICA (International Cartographic Association) initiative
> apparently endorsed by the UN.  The ICA is an international association
> of national cartographic societies (in Germany the DGfK) which is
> mostly focussed on traditional cartography and generally fairly
> reserved towards crowd sourced geodata and community projects.  The
> book "The World of Maps" they are promoting on that site contains a
> chapter on "Volunteered Geographic Information":
> http://internationalmapyear.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/19_Volunteered_Geographic_Information.pdf
> which is fairly superficial but includes a quite detailed and well
> illustrated tutorial on contributing to OSM.
> --
> Christoph Hormann
> http://www.imagico.de/
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Univ.-Prof. Dr. Georg Gartner

International Cartographic Association
president at icaci.org

Research Group Cartography
Department of Geodesy and Geoinformation
Vienna University of Technology
Erzherzog-Johann-Platz 1
A-1040 Vienna, Austria
T +43-1-58801-12611
F +43-1-58801-12699
georg.gartner at tuwien.ac.at
DVR: 0005886

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