[Ica-osgeo-labs] Creation, Analysis, Sharing, and Visualization of Complex Spatiotemporal Data Using Free and Open Source Software at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Suchith Anand Suchith.Anand at nottingham.ac.uk
Fri Mar 20 11:52:25 PDT 2015


On behalf of "Geo for All"   http://www.geoforall.org  we would like to welcome you to the University of Colorado Denver FOSS4G Lab's next webinar which might be  of interest to wider community.

Details on the webinar and how to connect remotely below

Creation, Analysis, Sharing, and Visualization of Complex Spatiotemporal Data Using Free and Open Source Software at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Speaker - Dan Getman
When -  Monday, April 6th 5:00-6:00p.m. MST | FAST Lab North Classroom 5033

Geospatial data science at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory incorporates a wide range of activities including the creation of large spatiotemporal resource datasets, modeling the technical potential of renewable energy at the national level, web based visualization of complex scenario based modeling, and sharing of both datasets and analysis methods with industry, academia, and the public through web services. In this presentation, we describe an integrated system in which all of the steps from data acquisition through analysis and collaborative research to sharing results with the public are accomplished using free and open source software and frameworks. Technologies used include R, Python, GDAL, OGR, Geoserver, Postgres, PostGIS, Mongo, Q GIS, NodeJS, Leaflet, OpenLayers, Ruby on Rails, CKAN, D3, and several other analysis and web based visualization libraries.

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) is the United States' primary laboratory for renewable energy and energy efficiency research and development. Details at http://www.nrel.gov

Join remotely  for the webinar at  https://ucdenver.zoom.us/my/foss4g

You can also view the past webinars at  http://geospatial.ucdenver.edu/foss4g/resources/webinars

Thanks Rafeal and colleagues at our lab there for making these excellent webinars available for all and expanding our  research collaborations.

Best wishes,


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