[Ica-osgeo-labs] GeoAcademy in Directions Magazine

Charles Schweik cschweik at pubpol.umass.edu
Tue Oct 6 08:04:31 PDT 2015


See a story on GIS MOOCs and some references to the GeoAcademy work. Way to
go Phil and team!



Charlie Schweik

Professor, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Dept of Environmental Conservation and Center for Public Policy and

Personal website: http://people.umass.edu/cschweik
Publications: http://works.bepress.com/charles_schweik/

Author, Internet Success: A Study of Open Source Software (MIT Press, 2012)
- see http://tinyurl.com/d3e4545

Q: Why do I try my best to keep my emails to five sentences or less?
A: http://five.sentenc.es
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