[Incubator] Roles & permissions

Auke Jilderda auke at collab.net
Thu Jul 6 05:58:08 EDT 2006


the CN platform out-of-the-box comes with several domain level and
project level roles described at [1] respectively [2].  These are based
on our experience at a wide variety of communities, both Open Source and
inside enterprises and ranging from tiny to huge and in a variety of
industries.  Roles can of course newly created, deleted, and modified
but the default typically covers the vast majority of needs and most
sites including large ones define only few extra roles.

Some of the existing roles on the platform have been modified and a
couple of new roles have been defined (probably by Daniel?).  How about
I clean this up by removing duplicate roles such as "co-project owner"
and "project contributor"?  (I will revoke the roles and replace them
with the appropriate standard role before deleting the duplicate role.)

As to granting the access rights that the Observer role defines to any
visitor to the site: there is a difference between visitors who have not
logged in and, with that, are not identifiable and people who have
logged in but don't have particular roles in projects.  Upon login, a
user automatically has the domain role "registered user" (see [2]).  I
think what you're asking for is to grant anybody who is logged in the
access rights as defined by the Observer role, correct?


 1. https://www.osgeo.org/scdocs/DomAdminDomainRoles
 2. https://www.osgeo.org/scdocs/ProjectRoles

On Friday, June 30, 2006 16:04, Frank Warmerdam wrote:
> Auke,
> I kind of assumed the existing roles were the standard ones that come
> with the CN platform.  I don't know of anyone who was involved in
> establishing them other than Daniel.
> I would think that for most projects we would want essentially all of
> the above to any project visitor whether provided with a specific
> level of access or not.
> The above seem fine to me.
> Best regards,

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