[Incubator] gdal status
Paul Spencer
pspencer at dmsolutions.ca
Wed Jul 19 22:26:44 EDT 2006
I also can be convinced either way :) As I think about it, though, I
am leaning the other way and thinking that all outstanding issues
should be resolved to the satisfaction of the IncCom/Mentor before
graduation. I was thinking that it could be considered sufficient to
have identified and documented the issues ... but really that is only
half the job and the issues need to be resolved. If the project
graduates without resolving the issues, there would be less incentive
to actually resolve them.
On 19-Jul-06, at 6:45 PM, Cameron Shorter wrote:
> Paul,
> Thinking from a new user's point of view. One of the requirements
> a new user is likely to be looking for is a level of comfort that
> our licence statement is kosher. (This is why we have invested so
> much time in the code provanence review).
> I'd suggest that we will want to be able to say to users "You are
> safe to use all OSGeo projects".
> I also think we shouldn't confuse users by adding an extra
> classification. What we might be able to do is put a progress bar
> next to each project going through the incubation process. I'm
> thinking about about a page which shows:
> OSGeo Projects
> Projects in Incubation
> CCC 80% complete
> DDD 80% complete
> EEE 20% complete
> However, having said all this, I'm ready to be convinced
> otherwise. It is easy for me to make these stipulations upon
> Mapbuilder which is still new. It will probably be a lot harder
> for older projects.
> Paul Spencer wrote:
>> Folks,
>> I thought a review of the current status of GDAL would be in
>> order. In summary, GDAL is essentially ready for graduation with
>> the exception of a number (22) of issues of code provenance.
>> I have a question about this part of the process. If the project
>> has gone through the process of the provenance review and
>> identified suspicious code with reasonable vigor, is this
>> sufficient to graduate the project (if they meet the other
>> criteria), or should graduation be delayed over these
>> (potentially minor but time consuming) issues?
>> My feeling is that due diligence (on the part of OSGeo) has been
>> done at this point, which is the role of the IncCom. In an ideal
>> world, I would end up reporting on this every week or two,
>> generating unnecessary churn and holding up an incubation spot
>> for another potential project. OTOH, I can see the argument
>> against officially accepting a project that has not yet cleared
>> up the known issues.
>> Perhaps we need one more step in the process, which is to graduate
>> a project like this to 'provisional pending completion of the
>> listed items' status so we can get it out of incubation?
>> The details:
>> Code Provenance:
>> There are 22 outstanding issues listed in the code provenance review.
>> Project Governance:
>> GDAL has established a governance model, a PMC and a set of
>> documented processes for making decisions. This appears to be
>> actually followed as well :)
>> Developer Community:
>> The developer community appears to be functioning in a manner that
>> is aligned with the "OSGeo Way", although I have not noticed a
>> significant amount of activity that would indicate this one way
>> or the other. This is partly because there have been no
>> contentious issues brought up that would test the system (since I
>> have been actively watching the project).
>> Smoke Test and Automated Builds:
>> I have not asked Frank about this, but I don't think there is
>> anything quite this formal, although there are tests that can be
>> manually run prior to a new release.
>> Code Commiters Agreement:
>> not applicable.
>> Cheers
>> Paul
>> +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
>> |Paul Spencer pspencer at dmsolutions.ca |
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> --
> Cameron Shorter
> http://cameron.shorter.net
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|Paul Spencer pspencer at dmsolutions.ca |
|Applications & Software Development |
|DM Solutions Group Inc http://www.dmsolutions.ca/|
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