[Incubator] Roles & permissions

Frank Warmerdam warmerdam at pobox.com
Fri Jun 30 10:03:57 EDT 2006

Auke Jilderda wrote:
> If I'm not mistaken, most if not all project owners are subscribed to
> this list which is why I bring up this topic here.  Feel free to
> redirect me elsewhere if applicable. :-)
> I noticed a question around what roles to grant and, in the process of
> answering it, looked at what roles and permissions are currently defined
> on the system.  These currently defined roles don't quite make sense to
> me -- for instance, there seems to be no suitable role for a developer
> in a project, "co-project owner" is the same as "project owner" so why
> not use one or the other, and "project contributor" doesn't grant any
> rights.  Being new to this site I am not familiar with the historic
> context so I figured I'd bring it up and see if anybody can tell me (a)
> why the roles are defined the way they are and (b) who is responsible
> for it?


I kind of assumed the existing roles were the standard ones that come
with the CN platform.  I don't know of anyone who was involved in
establishing them other than Daniel.

> I would expect we will need:
> - Observer: Can view (but not change) project resources, can submit new
>   tracker artifacts but not change existing ones, and can subscribe and
>   post to mailing lists.

I would think that for most projects we would want essentially all of
the above to any project visitor whether provided with a specific level
of access or not.

> - Developer: Observer + can change project resources (e.g. source code,
>   tracker artifacts, documents, and so on).
> - Project Owner: Developer + administrative access to project functions
>   and grants members roles.
> There may be other roles but these three typically cover the vast
> majority of needs out there.

The above seem fine to me.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at pobox.com
light and sound - activate the windows | http://pobox.com/~warmerdam
and watch the world go round - Rush    | President OSGF, http://osgeo.org

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