[Incubator] GeoTools Incubation Progress Page

Steve Lime steve.lime at dnr.state.mn.us
Mon Mar 13 07:56:57 EST 2006

Daniel: Ok, then let me formally request a project named "MapServer". I'm assuming for something like mapserver this would be more an information page at this point redirecting to the main site if anyone needs any detail, downloads or what have you.


>>> dbrookshier at collab.net 03/12/06 2:21 PM >>>
Hi Jody,

Looking at your page, one thing you need to do since you are still  
working with geotools is go ahead and request a project by that name.  
That goes for all projects about to enter incubation.

Note that the project name 'should' reflect the project's name, but  
not necessarily exactly. We are limited to alphanumeric and the dash  

When a project is fist created, it is private. Only the domain admin  
can see them. The domain admin approves this first stage. At this  
time I will mark the project as being in incubation.

At any point, the requester can edit the project. Before approval, no  
one can be added to the project. After it is approved, the project is  
available for joining.

Right now, the only projects we have open are mapguide and mapbender.

Daniel Brookshier
Community Manager
Office: 972-422-5261
Cell: 214-207-6614

On Mar 12, 2006, at 11:47 AM, Jody Garnett wrote:

> Hi Team,
> So we are one of the first projects to try the incubation ride, and  
> I am taking notes here:
> - http://wiki.osgeo.org/index.php/GeoTools_Incubation_Progress
> We have not gotten a great deal of direction yet, and the hope is  
> by record the process we followed later projects
> can have a helping hand.
> On the above page you will see the beginnings of a plan for an IP  
> check. The first step is to arrive at a list of
> names. This will be handled module by module and will be the  
> responsibility of the current module maintainer.
> We have a couple of train wrecks (like module/main) where  
> responsibility will be handled by package according
> to who is babysitting the bugs currently.
> We can talk about this on Monday's meeting.
> I am going to single out a couple people who have not been at a  
> meeting for a while, and who we will need help from
> to get through this.
> - James can you review the page, we need some tales from the early  
> days
> - Ruben we needs some checks on the user documentation
> I have not yet marked down who does each and every module, so  
> please feel free to help out and edit that page. If this is a trouble
> we can set aside a page on confluence.
> I don't believe the thing they need us to sign is sorted quite yet,  
> getting a list together will take some time and I would rather  
> start in on this early.
> Jody
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