updated documents

Paul Spencer pspencer at dmsolutions.ca
Tue May 2 11:38:14 EDT 2006

Hi all,

I've taken some time to standardize the formatting of the IncCom  
official documents.  You can review the result at:


I've only done the ones that say 'pending review' so far.

So far, I've identified several different document types:

* General documents (General Principles of Incubation, Incubation  
Mentor Guidelines)

* Process documents (i.e. Project Submission Process etc)

* Questionnaires (i.e. Incubator Application Questionnaire)

* Templates (i.e. Project Status Template)

I'm interested primarily in comments on the structure of the  
documents, although I have also updated some of the content.  Please  
feel free to edit the content directly if you see something that  
needs changing.

There is quite a bit of work left to do in standardizing the other  
documents and there will likely be some new documents coming out of  
this.  I will be working on this slowly over the week.



|Paul Spencer                           pspencer at dmsolutions.ca   |
|Applications & Software Development                              |
|DM Solutions Group Inc                 http://www.dmsolutions.ca/|

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