"Should QGIS Join OSGeo?"

Jo Walsh jo at frot.org
Tue Oct 3 02:06:11 EDT 2006

dear incubatees, 

So if their polling software is to be believed the QGIS community is
going about 4/5 in favour of getting into OSGeo incubation.

That I know of, FAO GeoNetwork and OpenLayers both submitted
applications to the incubator before F0SS4G, and I guess there is no
rush there, it is great to be connecting to the GeoNetwork people a
bit more and figuring out all the good stuff that they are about, and
OpenLayers has been happily connecting across different OSGeo members'
projects with no need of encouragement. And perhaps another couple of
projects need to be let out the incubator trap before allowing more in?

At some point i'd love to see a incubation candidate list and some kind 
of public review/evaluation process for the submitted applications and how they
stack up against http://wiki.osgeo.org/index.php/Project_Evaluation_Criteria
especially so prospective projects can have timelines and not be left
with any kind of "don't call us, we'll call you" feeling.

A small raft of graduations and incubations would definitely provide a
lot "to talk about" in terms of bloggage, PR energy, that sort of thing.


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