[Incubator] Re: Motion: MapBuilder To Graduate Incubation

Jody Garnett jgarnett at refractions.net
Wed Oct 25 21:25:17 EDT 2006

Frank Warmerdam wrote:
> Folks,
> This above motion closes tonight.  This is your reminder to speak now
> or remain forever silent.  So far Arnulf Christl, Steve Lime, Cameron
> Shorter, Paul Spencer, and Frank Warmerdam have supported the motion.
> Jody has shown an interest but hasn't reached any final conclusion.
+1 for Mapbuilder, and thanks for your answers everyone who replied to 
my email.

It is the initial projects through the gauntlet that have the 
responsibility to define the the journey. Cameron as you transition into 
the foundation you will take on the new task of defining the 
interactions that are requested of you.

Please send feedback our way so we can better prepare those who follow.

> I would add it is acceptable to vote -1 to indicate that you need more
> time to evaluate the project, or if you feel we need to resolve all
> the question about producing marketting/promotional material before we
> complete the graduation process.
> Best regards,

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