[Incubator] Re: MOSS4G and Incubation

John Graham johng at telascience.org
Tue Feb 13 14:14:45 EST 2007


That would be great to get SVN access soon...
We will re-submit to the incubation process in a couple months when we 
have running code !


Frank Warmerdam wrote:
> John,
> We had a lively discussion today about the incubation process and the 
> different
> levels of maturity and community size appropriate for projects entering
> incubation.  The consensus view coming out of that was that projects 
> have to be user-ready before they are accepted into incubation (ie. 
> reasonably mature).
> With regret we concluded that MOSS4G doesn't meet that criteria given 
> that
> it is just launching.
> We also talked quite a bit about offering systems support (trac, svn, 
> etc) to
> projects at a pre-incubation state to help them, and to ease eventual
> transition into full fledged foundation projects.  In true committee 
> fashion
> all we managed to agree on with regard to that was to discuss it some 
> more
> at our next meeting. :-)
> However, it is my feeling that SAC is well within it's rights to extend
> systems support to MOSS4G if it wishes to, as long as MOSS4G isn't
> represented as an approved OSGeo project.  Given that folks like you, me
> and Mateusz are doing quite a bit of work on SAC, I think it is a 
> reasonable thing to ask.
> I also think there are excellent opportunities for getting the message 
> out
> about MOSS4G via various OSGeo mechanisms (the news list we already hit),
> discuss, and at the conference as well as involvement of the existing 
> mobile
> community-of-interest within OSGeo.
> I'm very excited about MOSS4G, and I am looking forward to the point 
> where
> the project is user ready!
> Best regards,

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