[Incubator] Updates about your project

Jody Garnett jgarnett at refractions.net
Fri Mar 2 13:07:05 EST 2007

Thanks Tyler:

I am prepared the the content here:
- http://docs.codehaus.org/display/GEOTOOLS/GTSteering+2007+Q1

I would like to grab an OSGeo open office template and write it up in 
more details (similar to this previous effort 
http://docs.codehaus.org/download/attachments/16158/GTSteering.pdf )


Tyler Mitchell wrote:
> Hi all,
> I would like to see if we could get a brief (couple paragraph or half 
> page of bullets) summary of recent major changes, improvements or 
> future plans for each or your projects and publish it in the upcoming 
> OSGeo Newsletter.
> It would be of great interest to the OSGeo community and your project 
> communities as well.  Anyone who wants to see what projects are 
> working on would find it useful.  I would put it in the section for 
> developer announcements, similar to what GRASS has done before, but a 
> bit shorter.
> See 
> http://wiki.osgeo.org/index.php/Newsletter_Volume_1#Contributors_.2F_Topics 
> The Newsletter won't happen more than a few times per year, but I 
> suggest this would be a good time to buckle down and write up 
> something brief.   This could meet the official requirement for PSC's 
> to submit updates to the board as well ;)
> What do you think?  Let me know or add yourself to that wiki page.
> Tyler
> p.s. We are also looking for editors for sections of the newsletter, 
> including this developer announcement section and are looking for more 
> articles to go into the other categories as well.
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