[Incubator] Wake up call

Markus Neteler neteler.osgeo at gmail.com
Thu May 10 11:11:40 EDT 2007

On 5/10/07, Arnulf Christl (OSGeo) <arnulf.christl at wheregroup.com> wrote:
> PS:
> It would be nice to get something out of being a graduated project.
> Currently it does not really pay off to go through all the trouble, so if
> anybody has a good reason for why I am doing this please be so kind to
> tell me.

I agree that this should be worked out a bit more (Arnulf and me were
phoning about this and GRASS progress [1] yesterday evening).

<innocent user hat on>
Obviously we want to generate a win-win situation, but this should be
clearly stated so. The incentives of becoming a graduated project
should be stated, best done in a preface at
To that page a motivation should be added.

I can see why the projects should to for OSGeo (to become a
graduated project) - but what is OSGeo offering?
</innocent user hat on>

Yes, we know the answers but we should also communicate them.


[1] We, GRASS, are close to complete the mission of code vetting and
     adding missing copyright statements:

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