[Incubator] GDAL graduation

Paul Spencer pspencer at dmsolutions.ca
Mon Jan 7 22:06:52 EST 2008

Hi all,

With the release of 1.5.0 and in consultation with Frank, I would like  
to propose that GDAL is ready for graduation!

The relevant IncCom documentation is available on the wiki:


The two major issues for GDAL when it entered incubation were the lack  
of a PSC and some substantial provenance questions.

Over the past year or so (okay, maybe a little longer), I've been  
watching the formation and growth of the GDAL PSC and the evolution of  
the project from Frank's self-proclaimed benevolent dictatorship to a  
healthy, functioning community that works and plays together.  I  
definitely feel that GDAL's PSC is an excellent example of an  
effective open source community collaborating to build excellent  
software and could easily serve as a model citizen for other  
projects.  GDAL has definitely embraced 'The OSGeo Way' (http://www.osgeo.org/incubator/process/principles.html 

Under the provenance review topic, there are still 8 TO_RESOLVE  
markers but it seems Frank has done due diligence in trying to resolve  
them.  Numerous other issues have been clarified.  I have spot checked  
the review against the source files with no apparent discrepancies.

I invite folks to provide feedback, comments and discussion for the  
next week at which time we will proceed with a formal motion.



|Paul Spencer                          pspencer at dmsolutions.ca    |
|Chief Technology Officer                                         |
|DM Solutions Group Inc                http://www.dmsolutions.ca/ |

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