[Incubator] Incubator Application: deegree

Dr. Markus Lupp lupp at lat-lon.de
Wed Jan 23 22:06:58 EST 2008

Sorry, forgot to include the link to the application: 

Dr. Markus Lupp schrieb:
> Hi Cameron,
> yes, I can do so. Can you point me to a place on the OSGeo pages / 
> wiki where I can put it? The application is here - but I did not find 
> a place to attach a new document.
> Regards,
> Markus
> Cameron Shorter schrieb:
>> Thanks Markus,
>> Great write up. Any chance that you could copy this onto the web 
>> somewhere? Probably your graduation application would be the best place.
>> Dr. Markus Lupp wrote:
>>> Hi Cameron,
>>> basically there is cooperation potential with all Java-based OSGeo 
>>> projects. As I see it these are at the moment:
>>> 1. GeoTools
>>> 2. gvSIG
>>> 3. Geonetwork OpenSource
>>> 4. Community MapBuilder
>>> I will discuss those four projects in the following. Please forgive 
>>> me if statements about the four projects are not correct at all 
>>> times, I do not know them in much detail so far.
>>> 1. GeoTools
>>> ------------
>>> deegree and GeoTools share many similarities, they are at the core, 
>>> Java libraries for geospatial applications with a focus on OGC 
>>> standards. There are many opportunities for collaboration and there 
>>> were several attempts to do so but I also have to say that so far 
>>> all of these attempts were not successfull. At the first look the 
>>> projects are so similar that someone wonders why collaboration here 
>>> is so hard. IMHO there are three main reasons:
>>> a) Some requirements are different. A good example is the need of 
>>> deegree for a complex feature model, a requirement that GeoTools 
>>> developed much later and with much less priority.
>>> b) The development process seems to be different: deegree is 
>>> developed for projects with tight deadlines and is in this way a 
>>> very "commercial" FOSS project. Quite often, decisions have to be 
>>> made fast and this leads sometime to less discussion via the list as 
>>> there is on GeoTools lists.
>>> c) The "not invented here" effect and other usual problems in 
>>> cooperation. ;-)
>>> Nonetheless I do not want to give up on this. Perhaps the fact that 
>>> deegree wants to join OSGeo opens new opportunities for cooperation 
>>> between the projects again. Perhaps some kind of "liasaon officer" 
>>> between the to projects would help here.
>>> 2. gvSIG
>>> Although deegree is a library, there also is by now a desktop GIS 
>>> (with similarities to gvSIG) under development. On a technical level 
>>> there is collaboration potential, the main problem here is that 
>>> gvSIG is published under GPL, while deegree under LGPL. This is the 
>>> main reason, why in the first place deegree started development of a 
>>> desktop component (the companies developing deegree have customers 
>>> who do not want to use a GPL-based desktop GIS program). Otherwise 
>>> we would have used OpenJUMP or gvSIG. On a technical level, here 
>>> again the problem is the complex feature model. There already were 
>>> meetings between people from gvSIG and deegree and support for 
>>> complex features seemed to be not on the top list of priority for 
>>> gvSIG.
>>> In regard to the license problem, the cooperation here could be 
>>> "one-way", of GOS uses source code from deegree we would not run 
>>> into license problems.
>>> 3. Geonetwork Open Source (GOS)
>>> deeegre encompasses a metadata/catalogue component similar to GOS. 
>>> On a technical level there is good potential for cooperation, the 
>>> problem here is that GOS uses GPL while deegree LGPL.
>>> Here again, "one-way cooperation" (GOS uses deegree) could work.
>>> 4. Community MapBuilder (CMB)
>>> From the impression that I by now have, CMB shares a number of 
>>> similarities with deegree iGeoPortal, they are both web-based 
>>> clients for OGC web services. As CMB is published under LGPL there 
>>> would also be no licensing problems. It might turn out, that the 
>>> respective software architectures are too different for close 
>>> cooperation, but this will only be know if there is a more thorough 
>>> analysis from bothe sides.
>>> So, regarding the OSGeo Java tribe, I would say the most cooperation 
>>> potential exists with GeoTools and CMB as they share the same 
>>> license with deegree.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Markus
>>> Cameron Shorter schrieb:
>>>> Sorry for the slow response, usual excuses.
>>>> Markus,
>>>> It is great to hear that a well established project like deegree is 
>>>> engaging OSGeo. I think deegree has a lot to offer the community 
>>>> and in particular I think it will benefit all if we see further 
>>>> collaboration between deegree and other OSGeo projects - something 
>>>> which I think has been one of the under-reported benefits of OSGeo.
>>>> One of my standard questions for new projects is to discuss similar 
>>>> (OSGeo) projects and what opportunities there are for 
>>>> collaboration, or if not what are the barriers.
>>>> The more collaboration, the more attractive the project is as a 
>>>> graduation candidate.
>>>> -- 
>>>> As I seem to bring up this question fairly regularly, maybe it 
>>>> should be included in the OSGeo Application page.
>>>> Frank Warmerdam wrote:
>>>>> Folks,
>>>>> I'm pleased to announce that the deegree project has applied for
>>>>> OSGeo incubation.  The application form can be downloaded (in pdf) 
>>>>> from:
>>>>> http://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo/attachment/ticket/185/deegree_osgeo_questionnaire.pdf?format=raw 
>>>>> deegree is a Java framework including implementations of many OGC 
>>>>> and ISO
>>>>> standard geo interfaces.  The application was submitted by Dr. 
>>>>> Markus Lupp
>>>>> and I will ask him to join the incubation list if he hasn't already.
>>>>> Currently we have ten projects in incubation, so assuming we don't 
>>>>> want to
>>>>> raise our self imposed limit I don't anticipate bringing another 
>>>>> project
>>>>> into incubation immediately.  However, I am hopeful that at as 
>>>>> many as two
>>>>> of our current projects will be completing incubation soon at 
>>>>> which point we
>>>>> will be in a position to select new projects.
>>>>> The current application pending are:
>>>>> http://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo/query?status=new&status=assigned&status=reopened&component=Incubator&keywords=%7Eapplication&order=priority 
>>>>> GeoMOOSE
>>>>> JVNMobileGIS
>>>>> degree
>>>>> Best regards,

Dr. Markus Lupp
l a t / l o n  GmbH
phone +62 (0)81 339 431666

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