[Incubator] Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] process for copyright assignment

Arnulf Christl arnulf.christl at wheregroup.com
Wed Apr 15 11:08:53 EDT 2009

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...moved from Discuss to Incubator

Julien-Samuel Lacroix schrieb:
> Hi,
> The main goal of OSGeo Labs have always been to help new project to get
> in touch with other OSGeo members. OSGeo Labs should be the place to get
> help/resources to get your project to and through incubation. This
> includes assigning your copyright to OSGeo, get on the OSGeo trac
> infrastructure and get comment/help on your project.
> I added some sections to OSGeo Labs page to begin to add those
> informations. Would you (Tim, Steve or anyone) add your ideas there to
> start the discussion. We can also create another page beside OSGeo Labs
> that will contain those info.
> Julien

I cannot quite follow this line of thought. Why is it required to assign
copyright to OSGeo in Labs? We do not even require this for incubation?

On that issue: The Mapbender PSC has voted to move copyright ownership
of the project to OSGeo (this happened several months back but I never
followed up). Currently almost all copyrights furtunately lies with
CCGIS whereof I am the owner, so it will be a one step thing. What do I
need to do to move the copyright to OSGeo?

Best regards,

> Stephen Woodbridge wrote:
>> I think this is simpler than you are making it, but maybe not. There
>> are two separate issues here:
>> 1) title/ownership (in this case the copyright)
>> 2) branding
>> These are totally separate issues and we need to make sure that one
>> does not imply the other. We just need explicit language the makes it
>> clear the assignment of copyright does not allow one to use the OSGeo
>> brand or to claim that the code is from or part of an OSGeo project.
>> This probably means that when copyright is assigned we need explicit
>> language on what must appear in the header files. And the header files
>> for OSGeo projects are different from assignment outside an offical
>> OSGeo project.
>> I like your ideas of using OSGeo Labs for that.
>> -Steve
>> Cameron Shorter wrote:
>>> As mentioned on the Openlayers list,
>>> I think that one of OSGeo's role is to protect its association with
>>> quality software, which is done through the incubation process.
>>> Assigning copyright to OSGeo provides an association with the OSGeo
>>> project, and hence there is the potential for the project to dilute
>>> the OSGeo brand if not done properly.
>>> I like the idea of asking projects to join OSGeo Labs if assigning
>>> copyright to OSGeo, as it makes clear the project has not proven its
>>> quality yet, and hence the OSGeo brand is not weakened.
>>> On Tue, Apr 7, 2009 at 6:10 AM, Tim Schaub <tschaub at opengeo.org
>>> <mailto:tschaub at opengeo.org>> wrote:
>>>     Hey-
>>>     I'm hoping to hear some discussion that results in the creation of
>>>     guidelines for new, pre-incubation projects wishing to assign
>>>     copyright to OSGeo.
>>>     Ideally, these guidelines would be as simple as:
>>>      1) Follow instructions for becoming a "labs" project
>>>     http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/OSGeo_Labs
>>>      2) Follow instructions on assigning copyright
>>>     http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Project_Copyright_Assignment
>>>     Both of the above pages would require some modification.
>>>     I'd suggest a section on the labs page about "becoming a labs
>>>     project" (perhaps as simple as editing that wiki page).
>>>     On the copyright page, it would be nice if the preferred template
>>>     replaced the old one and if there were some instruction on what to
>>>     do with a signed agreement (e.g. mail to X).
>>>     Does this seem reasonable?
>>>     This has been brought up previously ([1], [2]).  Previous
>>>     suggestions have been "don't ask, just assign" and "ask existing
>>>     project to accept governance."  Since the former feels sleazy and
>>>     the latter assumes some existing project is motivated to assist the
>>>     new project, I'm hoping there can be something in between.
>>>     Also, since I don't pretend to understand all the implications of
>>>     assigning copyright, I would accept "OSGeo doesn't encourage this"
>>>     as an answer.
>>>     Thanks for any ideas (and I'm happy to help with drafting any
>>>     guidelines).
>>>     Tim
>>>     [1] http://n2.nabble.com/copyright-question-td2088465.html
>>>     [2]
>>> http://n2.nabble.com/Starting-new-projects-under-OSGEO-td2083937.html
>>>     --     Tim Schaub
>>>     OpenGeo - http://opengeo.org
>>>     Expert service straight from the developers.
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>>> -- 
>>> Cameron Shorter
>>> Geospatial Systems Architect
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