[Incubator] New Incubation Applicant: GeoServer

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at lisasoft.com
Thu Oct 8 21:49:40 EDT 2009

Richard, thanks for volunteering, it will be excellent to see another 
high profile project go through incubation.

Re being a previous contributor: There should be no problem there. A 
precedent has already been set.
I mentored GeoTools through incubation, despite being a committer a few 
years back, and also being a retired member of the Project Steering 
Committee. I don't think it clouded my judgment, I still held the 
geotools team accountable.

Richard Gould wrote:
> Alright, Jody has corralled me into volunteering :)
> The only possible issue is that I'm a previous contributor, though my
> last commit to the project was in probably in 2004, maybe 2005. The
> advantage is that I'm already quite familiar with the project.
> So unless there are any objections, I will volunteer to mentor
> Geoserver's incubation process.
> Cheers,
> Richard
> On Thu, Oct 8, 2009 at 12:16 AM, Jody Garnett <jody.garnett at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Indeed if we had a tradition of going through the process once; and
>>>> then helping along the "next" project this committee would be a bit
>>>> more fluid.
>>> Jody,
>>> I see we have 65 subscribers to the incubator list, many of whom I
>>> assume might be good mentor candidates.  I agree that representatives
>>> of projects that have completed the process are the most likely mentor
>>> candidates for new projects.
>>> What reaching out do you propose beyond this on-list exchange?
>> Well I sent a couple private emails asking :-)
>>> One other thing I might suggest is that we could relax the rule that says
>>> a person can only mentor one project at a time.
>> Not sure how sustainable that is; but yes that is another approach.
>> Cheers,
>> Jody
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Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Solutions Manager
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

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Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source

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