[Incubator] Recommend deegree for graduation
Cameron Shorter
cameron.shorter at lisasoft.com
Thu Oct 29 06:46:03 EDT 2009
Thanks Jens,
I haven't given the Deegree documents the review they deserve, and to
the level I normally look over incubating projects. (I'm still catching
up from foss4g).
However, before completing incubation, I suggest that you go through all
your documents and either:
1. Complete them.
2. Raise an issue in your issue tracker to fix them later. Although, in
most cases, I'd expect that you would try to complete your documents.
I apologize, I won't be at the incubation IRC meeting in a few hours -
it will be at 2am for us in Sydney, Australia. (A better timeslot for us
is 5 hours later, at 7am).
Jens Fitzke wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Cameron Shorter wrote:
>> Quick review picked up:
>> http://wiki.deegree.org/deegreeWiki/StructuresAndProcedures#Committers
>> * A number of TBD and [JF ...] comments that should be cleaned up.
> That's right. We did not yet manage to clean up everything. And then we thought
> It'd be better not to change documentation while others review the artefacts.
>> Regarding community:
>> * I see a number of developers contributing, which is good. What I'm not
>> sure about is the breadth of funding sources. Are all these developers
>> paid by the same sponsor? Or are the sponsors coming from differing
>> agencies and countries. This is important if we want to answer the long
>> term viability for the project.
> deegree has quite a broad funding base. The biggest part of it comes from
> lat/lon's customers (mostly German public administrative bodies), but also from
> customers of other companies and institutions who use deegree components for
> their business. From what I know, I'd say that the total number of companies and
> institutions which pay for deegree-centric services (and thus sponsor the
> project) is about 80 to 100 (depending on what you'd consider as "active").
> Jens
>> Jody Garnett wrote:
>>> OSGeo Incubation committee,
>>> The deegree community has completed the requirements for incubation.
>>> The appropriate links are:
>>> - http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Deegree_Incubation_Status
>>> -
>>> https://wiki.deegree.org/deegreeWiki/OSGeoIncubationCodeProvenanceReviewReport
>>> The team has done an excellent job producing documentation that is
>>> both clear and complete. It was a pleasure working with them
>>> throughout the incubation process.
>>> Jody
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Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Solutions Manager
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
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