[Incubator] Motion: deegree incubation graduation

Arnulf Christl seven at arnulf.us
Thu Jan 14 04:39:04 EST 2010

Hash: SHA1

Jody Garnett wrote:
> Motion: The Incubation Committee recommends the deegree project for
> graduation from incubation with Markus Schneider as the officer
> responsible for the project (OSGeo VP, deegree).

I second this motion.

+1 Arnulf

Some additional notes:
The deegree project should synchronize documents, Wiki and website.
Currently on the OSGeo Wiki [1] the PSC members listed are:
    * Herman Assink (IDgis)
    * Jens Fitzke (lat/lon)
    * Prof. Dr. Klaus Greve (Bonn University)
    * Dr. Markus Lupp
    * Dr. Andreas Poth (lat/lon)

On the deegree web site [2] the following members are listed:
    * Jens Fitzke (lat/lon)
    * Prof. Dr. Klaus Greve (Bonn University)
    * Dr. Markus Lupp
    * Dr. Andreas Poth (lat/lon)

The third document with a reference to the PSC members is the deegree
Wiki [3]. This page lacks a link to either of the above PSC member list
references. It would make things easier for folks to have the list of
members either copied here or made available through a link on that page.

The deegree Manifest [3] is still in draft status. It would look better
to move this page to an approved status. This does not mean that it can
never be changed again, obviously everything is up for changes over time.

== Draft Stauts of Documents ==
One core principle of the OSGeo Incubation process is to make projects
adhere to their own policies and procedures. Therefore it would be good
to have relevant document approved and stable before graduation. All
coming changes will then have to go through the formal process, PSC,
TSC, dev list, etc. which is how a graduated should work.

Apart from that everything looks fine, the project has done a good job,
thanks to all involved.

== On the process in general ==
An observation on our own processes: Issues brought up during incubation
show that the OSGeo processes makes a lot of sense and help to
straighten out the nitty gritty tidbits that developers usually do not
care about too much. If anybody feels that things should be changed or
enhanced, feel free to suggest them so that we can further improve the
process performance.

Best regards,

[3] http://wiki.deegree.org/deegreeWiki/Manifest

> The incubation status documents are available at:
> - http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Deegree_Incubation_Status
> - http://wiki.deegree.org/deegreeWiki/OSGeoIncubation
> I will start the voting with:
> +1 jgarnett
> We will keep the voting open for 7 days for those who wish to review
> the provided documentation.
> Cheers,
> Jody
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- --
Arnulf Christl

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