[Incubator] Motion: deegree incubation graduation

Judit Mays mays at lat-lon.de
Mon Jan 18 08:20:43 EST 2010

Judit Mays schrieb:
> Thanks, Arnulf, for the additional notes regarding the PSC members list.
> I will see to have it fixed by the beginning of next week.

Done. A full list of PSC members is in OSGeo wiki [1] and in deegree
wiki [2]. The deegree wiki will be the number one place to check for
future changes in the PSC members list, as the incubation status page in
the OSGeo wiki to me seems to be relevant only until incubation is
finished (please correct me if I am wrong).
The page at deegree.org / About / Organisation now only contains a link
to the deegree wiki [2] and no names.

BTW, the OSGeo incubation page for deegree is referenced in the deegree
wiki as well [3].

Kind regards,


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