[Incubator] Incubation Meeting

Paul Spencer pspencer at dmsolutions.ca
Mon Mar 1 11:32:21 EST 2010

Hi Judit,

this is for GeoMajas *entering* incubation.

The link from the incubator wiki page to pending applications is:


which seems to be slightly different from your query but probably the same actual applications.

I believe that applications are considered on a first-come-first-serve basis with a couple of caveats, the primary one being that a project needs to find a mentor.  As this is on a volunteer basis, and mentors should be at least moderately interested in but not related to the project, the older applications will not necessarily find a mentor before newer projects.

In this case, I've taken an interest in GeoMajas partly because Pieter was on the list looking for a mentor when I was thinking that I had some time to be a mentor again and partly because the project is in my realm of interest (web apps) without intersecting directly with my area of expertise (I don't do a lot of java).

Also, not every project that applies for incubation is actually ready to actually enter incubation based on our somewhat vague criteria. While not every aspect of a project has to be 'graduation-ready' before entrance into incubation, a project does have to demonstrate some basic components that indicate it *will* be able to graduate some day.  In my mind, project maturity is a key element to this.  Well established projects with a diverse developer and user base are more suitable candidates than new, experimental projects that have yet to establish themselves with a community.



On 2010-03-01, at 3:16 AM, Judit Mays wrote:

> Hello Frank, all,
> I am a bit confused: are we talking about GeoMajas *entering* incubation
> (as I think we are)? or are we talking about GeoMajas graduation (as the
> agenda for IncCom14 suggests)?
> Please bear with me, as I am rather new to the incubation committee, but
> is there a full list of projects that applied for incubation (in order
> of application) somewhere?
> All I came up with is a list of incubation applications in track:
> http://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo/query?status=new&status=assigned&status=reopened&component=Incubator&order=id
> I am very impressed by the GeoMajas project description by Paul Spencer
> and I would like GeoMajas to enter incubation (assuming this has not
> happened yet), but I would like to see older applications to be
> considered first, or a good reason for changing the order in which
> projects are accepted into incubation, or an explanation of how the
> process of "application -> acceptance" usually works for projects.
> Greetings to all,
> Judit
> Frank Warmerdam schrieb:
>> Folks,
>> I would like to hold an incubation meeting this coming Wednesday to
>> vote on GeoMajas incubation and to address a few other adjustments to
>> documents suggested by Cameron.
>>  http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/IncCom_Meeting14
>> I would like to hold the actual vote on the GeoMajas incubation motion
>> during the meeting.  Anyone with a strong position can register their
>> vote on the motion to accept the project into incubation in advance.
>> Their is a board meeting Thursday so I'd like the motion completed in
>> advance so the board can confirm it promptly.
>> If there are other agenda items to raise at the meeting please add them
>> to the Agenda.  I'd like to review the other outstanding incubation
>> applications and see if we can find mentors.
>> Best regards,
> -- 
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   Paul Spencer
   Chief Technology Officer
   DM Solutions Group Inc

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