[OSGeo-Discuss] Re: [Incubator] Defining the Marketing requirements for OSGeo Incubation

Frank Warmerdam warmerdam at pobox.com
Sun Nov 7 11:31:50 EST 2010

Cameron Shorter wrote:
> I'd appreciate some review of the proposed Marketing requirements and 
> comment on whether I'm on track or not:
> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Marketing_Artefacts


Some brief feedback:

OSGeo Live
  - It isn't clear why OSGeo Live is given this special treatment as opposed
    to other packaged environments like OSGeo4W, Debian GIS, or Ubuntu GIS.
  - Are libraries used by other applications on the live CD expected to be
    packaged (ie. GDAL, PROJ.4)?

Application Overview
  - It is unclear to me how this overview differs from the one page hand-outs
    projects are already expected to prepare in cooperation with marketing?

Application Quick Start
  - Scanning a couple, it seems these are tailored to the OSGeo live
    environment - should this just be rolled into the OSGeo Live packaging

OSGeo-Live Lightening Presentation
   - This sounds ok to me.  Key items are that these slides can generally
     be derived from the existing overview page and the projects only need
     to provide review.

Project Specific Presentatiion
   - In some ways I like this more than some of the other items, though it is
     also likely one of the biggest work items.
   - I assume this is intended to be a presentation that anyone with moderate
     familiarity with the project could give with an hour or so of review and
     preparation - is that right?  Will it include a suggested script to go
     with the slides?
   - Are there guidelines for format (odp/pdf?)
   - Where will these live?   Who is responsible for nagging for these?

OGC Standard Overview
   - I had expected there to be an aspect of this indicating which standards
     are supported by which OSGeo projects but I could not find this.
   - I observe that http://live.osgeo.org/standards/wms_overview.html lists
     *only* proprietary software packages - what is the rationale for that?

   - These seem somewhat OSGeo-Live specific. I think we already have a wiki
     page somewhere for projects to provide SVG or image logos don't we?

Graphical Image
   - Once again this seems somewhat OSGeo Live specific.

Technology Comparisons
   - It seems to me there is still a lot to work out with regard to how this
     would work, and we would be better treating particular comparisons
   - Any effort to compare projects must be very careful to be fair to
     different projects, which is very hard to do, or we will end up
     causing more controversy than we get benefit.

Case Studies
   - I would like to see us (OSGeo) provide some support for preparing
     case studies, especially for situations using a mixture of technologies.

   - This seems to unstructured yet to be in this list.


Overall, I feel like things are too OSGeo-Live focused though I realize that
OSGeo Live has been pushing the envelope with regard to these materials.  I'd
like to see the Marketting Committee maintaining a repository of:
  - project overviews (one pages for print and other use)
  - project logo (presumably used in the overview)
  - project snapshot (presumably used in the overview)

I am agreeable with requiring every project to work with the marketting
committee to provide this material, and periodically to upgrade it.

I would also like to *encourage* projects to get themselves into
distributions including OSGeo4W, OSGeo-Live, and some of the
specific linux package systems.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at pobox.com
light and sound - activate the windows | http://pobox.com/~warmerdam
and watch the world go round - Rush    | Geospatial Programmer for Rent

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