[Incubator] PostGIS Incubation
Jody Garnett
jody.garnett at gmail.com
Tue Dec 6 21:25:38 EST 2011
Resending this as it had too many peopled CCed for the osgeo list server...
> Jody,
> What sample data in documentation are you referring to? For the reference section, I or Kevin did most of the examples and they come from
> 1) completely made up data -- which is pretty obvious in those cases as they use generate_series, simple geometries etc.
> 2) MassGIS public data or US Census Tiger data
> 3) Or snapshots taken from my apartment or office.
> 4) I think there is one raster example with public domain data, but it has a link to the data source.
> The examples in the other parts of the documentation I think were created by Refractions folks a long time ago. I think most of it is made up fictitious data, but Chris and Paul would probably have some knowledge of that.
Thanks Regina:
That information (i.e. this data comes from the US Census tiger data) is what I expect to see mentioned in a providence review.
So if you had an entry about the docs you could say:
- creative commons license
- dataset xxxx from US Census Tiger data
- data or snapshots generated by community
- raster example from xxxx
I was just going quickly through the page you linked us to and checking for the kind of thing that has caused trouble in the past.
i.e. issues raised and/or fixed, forgetting to consider documentation and sample data
To repeat we don't need these issues fixed; only raised against your project issue tracker, and a link to the issue. It would also of been nice to see the tickets from problems you found and fixed during your review.
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