[Incubator] Re: idea: petition board for a change of scope

Frank Warmerdam warmerdam at pobox.com
Wed Jun 15 12:13:12 EDT 2011

On 11-06-15 12:02 PM, Jody Garnett wrote:
>> I believe that project incubation liasons are supposed to be added
>> to the committee and that unless they explicitly leave the committee
>> they would remain members after completing incubation.
> I was not aware of that; not sure it makes sense to me. I figured incubation
> was a revolving door
> (after incubation officers answer to the board etc...). The incubation
> committee being focused
> on fostering new projects etc...
> I also note that the project officers can change over time; so the current
> representative may
> not be the one that "handled" incubation. There is no roll to play on this
> committee if you are
> not actively mentoring a project.


Well, the inclusion of the incubation liaison on the committee isn't
intended to keep the projects connected to the committee as much as I
hope it will result in a growing body of people with experience of the
incubation process available to act as mentors.

> I don't mind acting as chair - I am not currently a mentor of anything. However
> we do need to
> contact the current list of project officers and see if the like this idea --
> why borrow trouble if
> the idea won't go ahead?

Yes, I do think it is good to seek feedback from the incubated projects
on what roles and value they would see in a "projects committee".

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at pobox.com
light and sound - activate the windows | http://pobox.com/~warmerdam
and watch the world go round - Rush    | Geospatial Programmer for Rent

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