[Incubator] New Incubation Committee Chair

Daniel Morissette dmorissette at mapgears.com
Mon Oct 17 12:09:08 EDT 2011

Hi IncCom,

As I stated at the OSGeo AGM in Denver, the Incubation Committee has 
been quite inactive in the last year or so and we need to fix that. 
There are a few projects currently in the incubator that have been 
sitting there for a few years with very little visible activity/progress 
and we need to either put some pressure or assist with whatever is 
currently blocking them (hoping it's not just lack of interest on the 
project's part).

Unfortunately, in the last few months I have not been able to give 
IncCom the time it deserves from a chair to make it more active, and the 
situation is just going to get worse with my new commitments as 
treasurer of the OSGeo board and other business and personal commitments.

For this reason, I have to revise my priorities and have decided to step 
down as IncCom chair to leave room for some new blood and energy. I 
still plan to be on the committee (and as mentor), but don't feel I can 
be a good chair at the moment.

I already spoke to Jody Garnett who has been one of the most active 
members of this committee in the last little while and he would be 
interested to take the chair role. Would anyone else be interested?

I propose that we wait 2 days to leave time for other IncCom members to 
step up if they are interested in being chair, and then we can take 
action to either elect or appoint a new chair.

Daniel Morissette
Provider of Professional MapServer Support since 2000

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