[Incubator] [rasdaman-users] Re: Rasdaman as a 'Benevolent dictatorship' Project: was [rasdaman-dev] patch quality

Daniel Morissette dmorissette at mapgears.com
Fri Aug 2 06:31:17 PDT 2013

My 0.02$ is that OSGeo and its community were built around the principle 
of open governance and healthy community participation, and that 
direction by steering committees (as discussed earlier) is a key part of 
OSGeo's DNA, so this is unlikely to change if you ask me.

This does not mean that benevolent dictatorship cannot work and that 
Linux is doomed to failure... just that OSGeo and its community are 
expecting open governance and a healthy community of users and 
developers from their projects for a number of reasons and that this is 
one of the (many) things that the Incubator has to care for.

BTW, don't flame me for writing this please. I am just relaying the 
mandate given by OSGeo members to the Incubator. If the members (not 
just the board, but the whole membership) decide otherwise then we'll 
adapt the rules, but until then, that's what the rules are (and I do 
believe in the reasons behind those choices).


On 13-08-02 7:54 AM, Beccati, Alan wrote:
> Indeed a good topic for consideration too. I guess from recent mails OSGeo is somewhat aware of this and I hope this will be sorted out soon on their side. Especially this apparent "blocker" issue.
> Alan
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dimitar Misev [mailto:misev.rasdaman at googlemail.com] On Behalf Of Dimitar Misev
> Sent: 02 August 2013 13:43
> To: rasdaman-dev at googlegroups.com
> Cc: Beccati, Alan; rasdaman-users at googlegroups.com; Susanne Ebrecht; Baumann, Peter; Bruce Bannerman; incubator at lists.osgeo.org
> Subject: Re: [rasdaman-users] Re: [Incubator] Rasdaman as a 'Benevolent dictatorship' Project: was [rasdaman-dev] patch quality
> My point was that there are many very successful open-source projects running in this way. So it's unclear (at least to me) why would OSGeo impose such an artificial restriction on how OSGeo graduated projects should be managed and consider this a "blocker" for any project wanting to join.
> On 08/02/2013 01:12 PM, Beccati, Alan wrote:
>> Since the topic is OSGeo incubaton I would not give too much to the almighty kernel and his leader, they do not want graduation and are free to follow whatever model they prefer which is also the case for JTS (as cited by Jody[1]).
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Daniel Morissette
Provider of Professional MapServer Support since 2000

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