[Incubator] Recommend Graduation of Rasdaman from OSGeo Incubation

Jody Garnett jody.garnett at gmail.com
Mon Oct 20 07:12:42 PDT 2014

Thanks for the nomination Bruce.

As this list sees such low traffic/participation we have struggled to reach
quorum. I would like to keep this motion open for two weeks (10 business
days) to allow members to review and vote.

Jody Garnett

On Wed, Oct 15, 2014 at 10:25 PM, Bruce Bannerman <
bruce.bannerman.osgeo at gmail.com> wrote:

> Project:                    Rasdaman
> Project Contact:       Peter Baumann
> Project Mentor:        Bruce Bannerman
> Recommendation:   Rasdaman to Graduate from OSGeo Incubation
> Incubation Checklist:  http://rasdaman.org/wiki/OSGeoIncubationChecklist
> Comments:
> I have been monitoring and participating in the Rasdaman Community
> developer and user email lists for over four years. I plan to continue to
> participate within the community.
> It has been pleasing to see how the community has evolved over this time
> to develop effective, open and robust processes.
> I recommend to other FOSS4G communities to review what has been done, as
> you may well find that Rasdaman offers a compelling solution for the
> management of multi-dimensional array or gridded data that your project may
> be able to capitalise on.
> A summary of community activity may be found at:
> https://www.openhub.net/p/rasdaman
> Key project members are active within both OSGeo and the OGC.
> Within the OGC they have successfully guided a range of standards to
> support mutltidimensional array (gridded) data which have culminated
> (currently) in Web Coverage Service version 2.0 and a suite of extensions,
> see: http://www.opengeospatial.org/standards/wcs
> The project's principal, Professor Peter Baumann was also recently awarded
> OGC's prestigious Kenneth D Gardels award for his contributions to OGC.
> After having participated within the community for four years and having
> reviewed their OSGeo Project Graduation Checklist, I believe that Rasdaman
> Community have fulfilled the requirements of OSGeo Incubation and are
> eligible to graduate as an OSGeo Project.
> The only reservation that I have is over the dual licensing model that is
> used by the sponsoring company, Rasdaman GmbH. See:
> http://www.rasdaman.com/Product/commercial+free.php
> There are two versions: Community (GPL and LGPL) and Enterprise (free from
> GPL constraints).
> The main difference between the two versions is summarised at:
> http://www.rasdaman.org/wiki/Features
> This dual licensing may create a problem for the Rasdaman Community in the
> future should Rasdaman GmbH decide to sell its stake in the Rasdaman
> Enterprise version of the software. We have already seen a similar
> situation arise after the sale of MySQL which was similarly licensed.
> However as the community edition of the software is released under open
> source licenses, I expect that the main impact would be to the continuity
> of the Rasdaman Community in its current form. In the event of a sale, we
> may see the software forked, as happened with MySQL.
> For consideration and vote.
> Bruce
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