[Incubator] Incubating OSGeo-Live as an OSGeo project

Jody Garnett jody.garnett at gmail.com
Thu Oct 30 14:09:40 PDT 2014

> At our OSGeo-Live weekly meeting today, it was proposed that we should
> take OSGeo-Live through the OSGeo Incubation process, effectively making
> OSGeo-Live an official OSGeo project.

That would be excellent. It would be a good case of 'eating your own dog

As it currently stands, we believe OSGeo-Live is in pretty good shape, and
> incubating should be reasonably straight forward (although incubating
> traditionally takes quite a bit longer than people expect).

It should be pretty clear, the code review extends to the install scripts
(and not all the referenced consequences).

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