[Incubator] Recommend pycsw Graduation

Jody Garnett jody.garnett at gmail.com
Fri Feb 20 13:19:00 PST 2015

> > * One outstanding issue with OGC schemas: The OGC schemas are included in
> > pycsw to validate incoming XML requests. The OGC schemas are licensed
> under
> > the terms of the OGC Document Notice or under the terms of OGC Software
> > Notice according to the legalfaq

> I think we should allow all OSGeo projects to include the OGC schemas (and
> W3C schema's) for now, while trying to figure out a solution that
> works for Debian.
> I don't like to have software downloading these files if they are
> always needed. In that case I believe it is better to include them.

Just a note that we certainly "allow" the distribution of OGC schemas / W3C
schemas in OSGeo projects. During incubation all we ask is that projects
include the license (confusing as it is) for users to read :)

Larger picture I have asked the OSGeo board to contact the OGC formally to
help clarify this language.
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