[Incubator] Incubation nightmare - istsos

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Sun Jan 25 03:31:03 PST 2015

Hi Massimiliano,
Yes, it is disappointing that istsos hasn't progressed into incubation yet.
It seems to have slipped off the radar.

I have a few suggestions:
1. Even if not in incubation, there is nothing stopping a project 
starting to put OSGeo processes in place, and filling out incubation 
documentation. Once you are in incubation, this will make incubation 
much faster. And you will likely find the incubation committee much more 
likely to help push your project through incubation if your project is 
already mature. (OSGeo-Live is not officially in incubation, however, we 
have been filling out our incubation checklist).

2. If you do want to move into incubation, I suggest getting all your 
documentation in order, and include references to it, such that it can 
easily be built into a motion that the incubation committee can vote on. 
If Arnulf is your mentor, he should be able to help with that.

On 25/01/2015 3:58 am, Massimiliano Cannata wrote:
> Dear incubation committee,
> I'm embarassed in writing this email...
> but after a very very long waiting I have to complain for the 
> treatment the istsos software is receiving.
> Is the same for all the software or just this project is not considered?
> Almost one year ago I apply for entering incubation, the committee 
> asks me to follow the procedure with form.. Then ticket.. And I fill 
> everything.
> The committee said we need a mentor, Arnulf volunteered,  and the 
> committee, I think, voted approving istsos to pass in incubation.
> Then?.... Nothing... And one year is passed!
> I think the committee shall make a motion to the board to approve the 
> decision, but it never happened.
> The result? Istsos is not in incubation: not in the website nor in any 
> talk I have followed.
> Why making a motion is so difficult?
> If this is the treatment for new software approaching our community I 
> believe something does not work at all!
> I know people are volunteer and not paid,  but the welcome steps are 
> minimal: reading a page, vote, and make a motion.
> If we get stack here, and after several remainders from my side, this 
> is really discouraging.
> Sorry for this email.
> Massimiliano
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Cameron Shorter,
Software and Data Solutions Manager
Suite 112, Jones Bay Wharf,
26 - 32 Pirrama Rd, Pyrmont NSW 2009

P +61 2 9009 5000,  W www.lisasoft.com,  F +61 2 9009 5099

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