[Incubator] balance between open source outreach and osgeo incubation

Jody Garnett jody.garnett at gmail.com
Wed Feb 10 12:16:36 PST 2016

Thanks for the vote of encouragement, if you have no further questions
please put your thinking cap on so we can have a good run at how to set up
this new initiate.

aside: I was specifically trying not to talk about the name :D

Jody Garnett

On 10 February 2016 at 11:27, Cameron Shorter <cameron.shorter at gmail.com>

> Jody,
> +1 for the term "OSGeo Technology" for the old "OSGeo Labs". I think it
> captures well the concept we are trying to express.
> I'm not sure you if you had other questions you are looking for us to
> answer?
> On 11/02/2016 6:06 am, Jody Garnett wrote:
> Want to gather the good bits of the "osgeo innovator" thread (sorry the
> name was a distraction) to focus on the "new deal" balance we are striking
> for OSGeo.
> Before we start are there any questions about the balance we are trying
> for here? I would like to make sure we are on the same strategic page
> before proceeding to details:
> *OSGeo Projects: *This is our traditional risk adverse "incubation"
> process focused on helping project teams meet our goals as an organization
> (open source, transparency, inclusive, low-risk). This process has been
> setup to be non invasive (preserving how a community is already
> functioning) - as such it offers little tangible guidance on how to meet
> objectives - only offering examples and inspiration. Each project finds a
> different aspect to work on during incubation - the common theme is that
> each project has been improved by going through OSGeo incubation (and the
> incubation process improves each time we have a successful graduate).
> *OSGeo Technology:* This is the new deal for on-boarding new open source
> projects and supporting projects that have been traditionally out of our
> reach as a Foundation. Goal here is open-source outreach and being
> inclusive.
> Not in Scope:
> *- *The resulting "OSGeo Technology" and "OSGeo Projects" have the full
> support of the foundation behind them - determining what that support is
> (and what more the foundation can do) is not the point of this email thread.
> - Approach used it out of scope (suffice to say different goals require a
> different approach)
> - Naming this new initiative has its own email thread.
> --
> Jody Garnett
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> Cameron Shorter,
> Software and Data Solutions Manager
> LISAsoft
> Suite 112, Jones Bay Wharf,
> 26 - 32 Pirrama Rd, Pyrmont NSW 2009
> P +61 2 9009 5000,  W www.lisasoft.com,  F +61 2 9009 5099
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